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Salmonella eradicated on this dairy farm

Dairy farmers Johannes and Lammert de Jong from Doniaga, Friesland, own 100 cows. They supply milk to DOC, and it must be of high quality. Previously, they faced issues with Salmonella on their farm, affecting their cows. In 2018, things changed. We sit down with father and son at their kitchen table.

Brown sludge from pipes and salmonella issues

"We always thought water was important, but we didn’t yet have water disinfection in place," Johannes explains. "Our pipes were starting to clog up. We use communicating vessels and applied some pressure to flush them clean. That’s when all this brown sludge would come out." They were also struggling with Salmonella problems on the farm. Johannes wanted to find a solution and came across Watter through an advertisement. "Two advisors from Watter visited us and explained how the system works. We tested the system with a trial period to see if it would make a difference."

Clean water and salmonella-free

"After installing the system, the drinking troughs and pipes quickly became clean, and the water was clear," says De Jong. "Before installation and two months after, we took water samples, and you could see that all levels dropped. You noticed it immediately in the water; the film on the water disappeared, and the cows started drinking more," Johannes concludes. "At one point, the Salmonella test came back, which is conducted every four months via DOC. The first test after installation was immediately negative. Since we installed the system, Salmonella has only been detected once," Johannes explains. The results of these tests are crucial, as any detection of Salmonella triggers a warning for the dairy farm. In addition, a treatment plan must be made in collaboration with a vet, which is then checked by the dairy factory and the health service. Johannes adds to the list of improvements: "We also have fewer cases of mastitis. That was enough for us to keep the system on the farm."

Date Water test E. coli (CFU/ml) Total bacterial count (CFU/ml)
22-02-2018 (Before) First: 0 28.000
    Last: 6 61.000
20-03-2018 (After) First: 0 <100
    Last: 0 200

Water test results for Johannes and Lammert de Jong’s dairy farm

Drinking trough with cow
Drinking trough with cow

Can’t imagine being without the Watter system

"I can’t do without it now," says Johannes confidently about the Watter system. "It’s an investment, but in my opinion, I’ve already earned it back. The cows drink better, milk production has increased, and we no longer have any issues with Salmonella." Lammert de Jong adds, "We truly believe in the effectiveness of the system. The Watter system broke down once, and we immediately saw the change in the water troughs. They got dirty again straight away. But once the system was back up and running, they became clean again." For the farm, the power of the Watter system has been proven. "What I would recommend to every farmer is to get such a system. Look into it and give it a try," suggests Johannes de Jong.

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