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Listeria monocytogenes, a bacteria found everywhere in nature, can cause an infectious disease. This infection is also called Listeriosis (Listeria). An infection of this need not manifest itself directly in illness. Healthy people do not notice anything or at most have a mild flu. For high-risk groups, however, the consequences are serious. As a pregnant woman, for instance, you are more likely to be infected. The disease can be transmitted to the child if the woman gets sick in the third trimester. (3)

Where can Listeria be found?

Let's say in advance: Listeria infections are rare. And if you do find this bacterium anywhere, it is often in animal products. Products such as sliced meat, smoked fish or soft cheeses are examples of foods in which Listeria can be found. But beware, you can also find this bacteria on poorly washed raw vegetables, for example.(2) The Dutch Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (NVWA) makes every effort to strictly check for Listeria. The moment this bacteria is found in a product, all products are recalled by manufacturers.

Spread and contamination

The bacteria often survive and multiply in a humid environment. Whereas most other bacteria die from the cold or stop multiplying, Listeria does not. Infection with this bacteria almost always occurs by eating contaminated food. These food items are often eaten without heating and kept cool for long periods of time. Pregnant people, the elderly and people with weaker immune systems are a risk group for listeria bacteria. The RIVM receives about 80 reports of listeria infection per year. (1)

Germ-free process water with Watter

Companies that process food have to be mindful of Listeria Monocytogenes. There may also be more viruses, bacteria, fungi and yeasts that multiply and spread via process water. Watter has a sustainable and environmentally friendly solution against biofilm in process water. Using only salt, water and electricity, a disinfectant with HOCl as the most active substance forms. Our disinfectant is 100x more effective against microorganisms than Sodium hypochlorite at the same dosage. With Watter, less agent is therefore needed for the same effectivity.

Benefits at a glance

Our disinfectant is safe for humans, animals and the environment, and it also has low operating costs. This is because our system is offered in an in-situ solution. This means that the disinfectant can be produced on site. This has the following advantages:

  • Less plastic waste
  • No storage of harmful chemicals
  • No transport costs and thus less CO2 emissions
  • No safety measures due to the safe substances

Contact one of our staff without obligation and let our microbiologists advise you.

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  1. Cold meat cuts probable source of 20 listeria cases | RIVM. (n.d.).
  2. EFSA Panel on Biological Hazards (BIOHAZ); Koutsoumanis K, Alvarez-Ordóñez A, Bolton D, Bover-Cid S, Chemaly M, Davies R, De Cesare A, Herman L, Hilbert F, Lindqvist R, Nauta M, Peixe L, Ru G, Simmons M, Skandamis P, Suffredini E, Jordan K, Sampers I, Wagner M, Da Silva Felicio MT, Georgiadis M, Messens W, Mosbach-Schulz O, Allende A. The public health risk posed by Listeria monocytogenes in frozen fruit and vegetables including herbs, blanched during processing. EFSA J. 2020 Apr 20;18(4):e06092. doi: 10.2903/j.efsa.2020.6092. PMID: 32874300; PMCID: PMC7448082.
  3. Schuppler M, Loessner MJ. The Opportunistic Pathogen Listeria monocytogenes: Pathogenicity and Interaction with the Mucosal Immune System. Int J Inflam. 2010 Jul 14;2010:704321. doi: 10.4061/2010/704321. PMID: 21188219; PMCID: PMC3003996.

Tim van den Toorn

About the author

Tim van den Toorn

Tim is a senior microbiologist at Watter, specialising in the application of the disinfection system for process water and surface disinfection across various industries. He works closely with businesses to implement the Watter system and develop new client-specific applications, ensuring optimal process water quality, germ-free surfaces and enhanced sustainability. Tim’s expertise and guidance contribute significantly to advancing industry standards and fostering safe disinfection practices, aligning perfectly with Watter’s commitment to delivering innovative solutions.